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  page 6                                                                                            go back to page 5.   It required them to assume the position of half sitting and half squatting. Proper sitting only made the old and shaky furniture to crush under their weight.  Anyone unfortunate to 'break' a chair paid dearly as the tutors made it their duty to inform the Registrar who in turn termed this as "pure negligence" and demanded payment for the broken seat.   The Registrar enforced his words by deducting an overrated amount from the University fees. It was no secret that when he met tutors at ...


           page 3                                                                                  go back to page 2. Miano handed him a note but instead of leaving the handcart pusher just stood there smiling sheepishly. Suddenly, he was   not in a hurry to go for more work until his colleague pulled him away. "Did you come here to embarrass the Registrar and turn this place to a money exchange market?" the man shouted. His looked visibly angry and told them that the time for admissions was over. Konyeki knew he had to act or his dream would go down the drain.      After gathering enough courage, Kony...

Corona virus pandemic and it's impact in Kenya.

COVID-19 is a virus that was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and in February, 2020 we had our first case in Kenya. The virus has led to both positive and negative impacts. It's one of the major crisis happening in our country today. It has led to the death of more than 800 people in the country as of now.          NEGATIVE IMPACTS As we all know coronavirus has led to many negative impacts in the country and to many individuals as well. One of the negative impacts is the decline in the Kenya's economy. Since the on-set of   the pandemic   most of the companies were forced to have a cessation which led to   loss of jobs and also the slow flow of money in the country. Due to the suspension of most companies that help in the growth of the country's economy, this has led to a slow growth rate in Kenya. This has also been witnessed in other countries and states.   Another negative impact is the rise of teenag...

what is prosperity?

  In his article,prosperity is more than just money;be rich,Lion Mambo sets off the blocks by invalidating a widely yet misconstrued maxim that prosperity is all about money.He points out that economic prosperity is just one of the various forms of prosperity. Mambo succinctly describes prosperity as the state of doing well,thriving and succeeding in different fronts of life. Mambo outlines five areas of life in which one ought to be prosperous.They are;social,religious,economic, military and political.If one excels in all these areas then he is a 'complete package' as far as prosperity stretches. Prosperity, according to Mambo,brings about happiness and serenity of mind,irrespective of the prevailing circumstances. To drive the point home,Mambo quotes from a verse in the Bible which states that all a man can do is eat,drink and enjoy,for tomorrow we die.He stresses that a prosperous person has quite a few cares in life, if any. Mambo finalises by stating,rather lightheart...