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Corona virus pandemic and it's impact in Kenya.

COVID-19 is a virus that was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and in February, 2020 we had our first case in Kenya. The virus has led to both positive and negative impacts. It's one of the major crisis happening in our country today. It has led to the death of more than 800 people in the country as of now.


As we all know coronavirus has led to many negative impacts in the country and to many individuals as well. One of the negative impacts is the decline in the Kenya's economy. Since the on-set of  the pandemic  most of the companies were forced to have a cessation which led to  loss of jobs and also the slow flow of money in the country. Due to the suspension of most companies that help in the growth of the country's economy, this has led to a slow growth rate in Kenya. This has also been witnessed in other countries and states. 

Another negative impact is the rise of teenage pregnancies. After the pandemic hit the country schools were forced to suspend learning inorder to be able to curb the virus. This has created Alot of free time for young people and hence they engage in premature and unsafe sexual activities. The rise of teenage pregnancies has been seen in all the counties across the country.  Despite all the negative impacts that has been happening, there's been positive impacts that have been witnessed in the country.


The virus has led to some positive impacts such as reduced crime rates. Due to the curfew that is currently ongoing criminal activities that usually happen during  night hours have reduced. Some of the crimes that usually happen at night such as robbery with violence have shown a massive decline since the curfew began in the country. People are now forced to stay at home during these hours and there's tight security to ensure that the policy is being adhered to.

During this pandemic people have been able to discover some of their hidden talents. Most of the teacher's are  engaging in baking activities and are able to make some extra income. Other people are also using their free time to engage in activities such as dancing, singing, construction etc. 

      In conclusion, whatever  is happening  today has affected every Citizen differently. Some have benefited from it while some have been hit hard by the virus.

Edited by Beldine.



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