In his article,prosperity is more than just money;be
rich,Lion Mambo sets off the blocks by invalidating a widely yet misconstrued
maxim that prosperity is all about money.He points out that economic prosperity
is just one of the various forms of prosperity. Mambo succinctly describes
prosperity as the state of doing well,thriving and succeeding in different
fronts of life.
Mambo outlines five areas of life in which one ought to be prosperous.They
are;social,religious,economic, military and political.If one excels in all
these areas then he is a 'complete package' as far as prosperity stretches.
Prosperity, according to Mambo,brings about happiness and serenity of
mind,irrespective of the prevailing circumstances. To drive the point
home,Mambo quotes from a verse in the Bible which states that all a man can do
is eat,drink and enjoy,for tomorrow we die.He stresses that a prosperous person
has quite a few cares in life, if any.
Mambo finalises by stating,rather lightheartedly,that a prosperous person is
rich in happiness.
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